Dz Version: 7.0.0
Dz Mod : Toplist 4 frames + Top 10 today
Author : Dishack & Vic.0
Files :02 (index.php + discuz.htm)
Step 1: Mở file : index.php
- $newthreads = round(($timestamp - $lastvisit + 600) / 1000) * 1000;
Sao chép mã Thêm bên dưới (add bellow)- //-start Toplist 5frames (c) Vic.0
- $colorarray = array('', 'red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'cyan', 'blue', 'purple', 'gray');
- //Newthead
- $hack_cut_str = 28; //Title
- $hack_cut_strauthor = 9;
- $new_post_threadlist = array();
- $nthread = array();
- $query = $db->query("SELECT t.*, f.name FROM {$tablepre}threads t, {$tablepre}forums f WHERE t.fid<>'$fid' AND f.fid=t.fid AND f.fid not in (0) AND t.displayorder not in (-1,-2) ORDER BY t.dateline DESC LIMIT 0, 10");
- while($nthread = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
- $nthread['forumname'] = ereg_replace('<[^>]*>','',$nthread['name']);
- $nthread['view_subject'] = cutstr($nthread['subject'],$hack_cut_str);
- $nthread['view_author'] = cutstr($nthread['author'],$hack_cut_strauthor);
- $nthread['date']= gmdate("$dateformat $timeformat", $nthread['dateline'] + $timeoffset * 3600);
- $nthread['lastreplytime']= gmdate("$dateformat $timeformat", $nthread[lastpost] + ($timeoffset * 3600));
- if($nthread['highlight']) {
- $string = sprintf('%02d', $nthread['highlight']);
- $stylestr = sprintf('%03b', $string[0]);
- $nthread['highlight'] = 'style="';
- $nthread['highlight'] .= $stylestr[0] ? 'font-weight: bold;' : '';
- $nthread['highlight'] .= $stylestr[1] ? 'font-style: italic;' : '';
- $nthread['highlight'] .= $stylestr[2] ? 'text-decoration: underline;' : '';
- $nthread['highlight'] .= $string[1] ? 'color: '.$colorarray[$string[1]] : '';
- $nthread['highlight'] .= '"';
- } else {
- $nthread['highlight'] = '';
- }
- $new_post_threadlist[] = $nthread;
- }
- //replies
- $hack_cut_str = 28; //title_length
- $hack_cut_strauthor = 9;
- $new_reply_threadlist = array();
- $rthread = array();
- $query = $db->query("SELECT t.*, f.name FROM {$tablepre}threads t, {$tablepre}forums f WHERE t.fid<>'$fid' AND f.fid=t.fid AND t.closed NOT LIKE 'moved|%' AND t.replies !=0 AND f.fid not in (0) AND t.displayorder not in (-1,-2) ORDER BY t.lastpost DESC LIMIT 0, 10");
- while($rthread = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
- $rthread['forumname'] = ereg_replace('<[^>]*>','',$rthread['name']);
- $rthread['view_subject'] = cutstr($rthread['subject'],$hack_cut_str);
- $rthread['view_lastposter'] = cutstr($rthread['lastposter'],$hack_cut_strauthor);
- $rthread['date']= gmdate("$dateformat $timeformat", $rthread['dateline'] + $timeoffset * 3600);
- $rthread['lastreplytime']= gmdate("$dateformat $timeformat", $rthread[lastpost] + ($timeoffset * 3600));
- if($rthread['highlight']) {
- $string = sprintf('%02d', $rthread['highlight']);
- $stylestr = sprintf('%03b', $string[0]);
- $rthread['highlight'] = 'style="';
- $rthread['highlight'] .= $stylestr[0] ? 'font-weight: bold;' : '';
- $rthread['highlight'] .= $stylestr[1] ? 'font-style: italic;' : '';
- $rthread['highlight'] .= $stylestr[2] ? 'text-decoration: underline;' : '';
- $rthread['highlight'] .= $string[1] ? 'color: '.$colorarray[$string[1]] : '';
- $rthread['highlight'] .= '"';
- } else {
- $rthread['highlight'] = '';
- }
- $new_reply_threadlist[] = $rthread;
- }
- //HOT
- $hack_cut_str = 30; //Title_length
- $hack_cut_strauthor = 9;
- $new_hot_threadlist = array();
- $mthread = array();
- $ctime=$timestamp-3600*24*7;
- $query = $db->query("SELECT t.*, f.name FROM {$tablepre}threads t, {$tablepre}forums f WHERE t.fid<>'$fid' AND f.fid=t.fid AND t.closed NOT LIKE 'moved|%' AND t.replies !=0 AND t.dateline>$ctime AND f.fid not in (0) AND t.displayorder not in (-1,-2) ORDER BY t.replies DESC LIMIT 0, 10");
- while($mthread = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
- $mthread['forumname'] = ereg_replace('<[^>]*>','',$mthread['name']);
- $mthread['view_subject'] = cutstr($mthread['subject'],$hack_cut_str);
- $mthread['view_lastposter'] = cutstr($mthread['lastposter'],$hack_cut_strauthor);
- $mthread['date']= gmdate("$dateformat $timeformat", $mthread['dateline'] + $timeoffset * 3600);
- $mthread['lastreplytime']= gmdate("$dateformat $timeformat", $mthread[lastpost] + ($timeoffset * 3600));
- if($mthread['highlight']) {
- $string = sprintf('%02d', $mthread['highlight']);
- $stylestr = sprintf('%03b', $string[0]);
- $mthread['highlight'] = 'style="';
- $mthread['highlight'] .= $stylestr[0] ? 'font-weight: bold;' : '';
- $mthread['highlight'] .= $stylestr[1] ? 'font-style: italic;' : '';
- $mthread['highlight'] .= $stylestr[2] ? 'text-decoration: underline;' : '';
- $mthread['highlight'] .= $string[1] ? 'color: '.$colorarray[$string[1]] : '';
- $mthread['highlight'] .= '"';
- } else {
- $mthread['highlight'] = '';
- }
- $new_hot_threadlist[] = $mthread;
- }
- //Top 10 poster
- $tomonth=date(n);
- $todate=date(j);
- $toyear=date(Y);
- $time=mktime(0,0,0,$tomonth,$todate,$toyear);
- $query=$db->query("select count(pid) as num,authorid,author from $tablepre"."posts where dateline>=$time group by authorid order by num desc limit 0,10");
- while($result=$db->fetch_array($query)){
- $poststar.="<a href=space.php?uid=".$result[authorid].">".cutstr($result[author],8)."</a><font color=red>[".$result[num]."]</font> ";
- }
- //End toplist 4frames (c) Vic.0
Sao chép mã 02. Mở file discuz.htm
- function announcementScrollnext(time) {
- $('annbody').scrollTop++;
- anncount++;
- if(anncount != time) {
- annst = setTimeout('announcementScrollnext(' + time + ')', 10);
- } else {
- annrowcount++;
- annst = setTimeout('announcementScroll()', anndelay);
- }
- }
- </script>
- <!--{/if}-->
- </div>
Sao chép mã Thêm bên dưới- <!-- Toplist 5frames (c) Vic.0 -->
- <div class="mainbox forumlist" style="padding:0;">
- <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
- <thead class="category">
- <tr>
- <td align="center" style="padding:0 1px 0 0"><h3>≡ Cool Pics ≡</h3></td>
- <td align="center" style="padding:0"><h3>≡ Newthreads ≡</h3></td>
- <td align="center" style="padding:0 1px 0 1px"><h3>≡ New replies ≡</h3></td>
- <td align="center" style="padding:0"><h3>≡ HOT topics ≡</h3></td>
- <td></td>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tr>
- <td width="24%">
- <script type="text/javascript" src="pic.php"></script>
- </td>
- <td width="25%">
- <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
- <tr valign="top">
- <td width="24" style="padding:0;border-top:0px;"><img src="images/list.gif" border="0" /></td>
- <td background="images/listbg.gif" style="line-height:20px;padding:0;border-top:0px;background-repeat: repeat-y" width="100%">
- <!--{loop $new_post_threadlist $nthread}-->
- <!--{if $nthread[replies]}-->
- <div style="overflow: hidden;height: 20px;width: 100%;"><a href="viewthread.php?tid=$nthread[tid]" $nthread['highlight'] title='Newthread {LF}Forum: $nthread[forumname]{LF}Subject: $nthread[subject] {LF}Author: $nthread[author]{LF}Time: $nthread[date]{LF}Views: $nthread[views] {LF}Replies: $nthread[replies] {LF}Last reply: $nthread[lastreplytime]{LF}{lang lastpost}: $nthread[lastposter]'>$nthread[view_subject]</a></div>
- <!--{else}-->
- <div style="overflow: hidden;height: 20px;width: 100%;"><a href="viewthread.php?tid=$nthread[tid]" $nthread['highlight'] title='Newthread {LF}Forum: $nthread[forumname]{LF}Subject: $nthread[subject] {LF}Author: $nthread[author]{LF}Time: $nthread[date]{LF}Views: $nthread[views] {LF}Replies: $nthread[replies] {LF}Last reply: updating..'>$nthread[view_subject]</a></div>
- <!--{/if}-->
- <!--{/loop}-->
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- <td width="25%">
- <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
- <tr valign="top">
- <td width="24" style="padding:0;border-top:0px;"><img src="images/list.gif" border="0" /></td>
- <td background="images/listbg.gif" style="line-height:20px;padding:0;border-top:0px;background-repeat: repeat-y" width="100%">
- <!--{loop $new_reply_threadlist $rthread}-->
- <div style="overflow: hidden;height: 20px;width: 100%;"><a href="viewthread.php?tid=$rthread[tid]" $rthread['highlight'] title='最新回复 {LF}Forum: $rthread[forumname]{LF}Subject: $rthread[subject]{LF}Author: $rthread[author]{LF}Time: $rthread[date]{LF}Views: $rthread[views] {LF}Replies: $rthread[replies] {LF}Last reply: $rthread[lastreplytime]{LF}{lang lastpost}: $rthread[lastposter]'>$rthread[view_subject]</a></div>
- <!--{/loop}-->
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- <td width="26%">
- <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
- <tr valign="top">
- <td width="24" style="padding:0;border-top:0px;"><img src="images/list.gif" border="0" /></td>
- <td background="images/listbg.gif" style="line-height:20px;padding:0;border-top:0px;background-repeat: repeat-y" width="100%">
- <!--{loop $new_hot_threadlist $mthread}-->
- <div style="overflow: hidden;height: 20px;width: 100%;"><a href="viewthread.php?tid=$mthread[tid]" $mthread['highlight'] title='本周热门 {LF}Forum: $mthread[forumname]{LF}Subject: $mthread[subject]{LF}Author: $mthread[author]{LF}Time: $mthread[date]{LF}Views: $mthread[views] {LF}Replies: $mthread[replies] {LF}Last reply: $mthread[lastreplytime]{LF}{lang lastpost}: $mthread[lastposter]'>$mthread[view_subject]</a></div>
- <!--{/loop}-->
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- <td>
- <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
- <tr valign="top">
- <td></td>
- <td>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
- <tr>
- <td><font color=red><b>Top10: </b></font>$poststar</td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </div>
- <!-- End toplist 5frames (c) Vic.0 -->
Sao chép mã 03. Download đính kém,rồi giải nén upload lên thư mục forum của bạn là xong!
04. Update cache + Enjoy |