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Piwigo - A very nice Photo Gallery PHP script

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A free php script name piwigo is your best choice to start a new photo gallery website.
Script name: Piwigo
Website: http://piwigo.org
Latest version: 2.6.2
Download: Piwigo 2.6.2
Demo: http://inspire.netdepviet.org ( inspire vietnam beauty photographs )


Photo Upload progress in details

Photo album

Photo privacy

Desribe by tags ( easy to SEO friendly )

Browse by dates

Various of themes for you to select

Great place for visitor ( comment , rating and more...)


Statistics for your photo galleries

And also...
automatic slideshow
use of EXIF/IPTC metadata to fill photo properties such as title and tags
browse photos in a map with RV Maps & Earth plugin
a web API to perform actions from other applications, such as display thumbnails in a WordPress blog with PiwigoPress
meaningful URLs including tag/category/photo names for Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
predefined photo sets such as best rated, most seen, random or most recent
ability to combine browsing methods: display all photos tagged "James" + "Carol" taken in September 2010
ability to add HTML pages with Additional Pages plugin
easy installation and upgrades
advanced techniques to filter SPAM
many configuration settings to make Piwigo fit your own needs

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