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Extend Discuz tags number in a post

[Lấy địa chỉ]
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Đăng lúc 2-11-2014 18:17:45 | Xem tất Trả lời thưởng |Xem ngược lại |Chế độ đọc
  Default tagnum of each post in Discuz system is 5. How could we extend this value to get higher SEO score.
Very easy to make this change. Just follow these steps.
1. Edit this file: /source/class/class_tag.php
2. Find this:
  1. if($tagcount > 4)
Sao chép mã

3. Replace by:
  1. if($tagcount > 50)
  2. // 50 you can customize this
Sao chép mã

Save and upload to your site.

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